
We are consistently looking for opportunities to raise money through partnerships within the local community as well as putting our own fundraising events.
We have a Fundraising Officer who searches for appropriate grants and trusts to apply for and we have been lucky to receive part-funding from Activities Unlimited to support the running of Topcats and its 9 activity programmes.
We are always looking for volunteers to support our fundraising, whether this be in the form of a “Friends of Topcats” group or supporting store and street collections and any events we are organising etc.
Please contact Sara on [email protected] if you want to get involved or support Topcats in any way.

Fundraising Ideas
Would you like to fundraise but don’t know where to start?
Here are some ideas!!
5K run – A run to raise money for a really good cause is a really easy! You can get a few of your family or friends in and get sponsors! Why not make it a fun run and dress up as your favourite character or do it in a strange place or use an obstacle course!
Quiz Night – A quiz night is a really fun event, whether its a virtual quiz for lockdown times or one in a local pub or community hall! Charge for entry and get some prizes donated for a small raffle! Add in an evil round (if you get a question wrong you lose points) or a themed round (a Topcats round) maybe have a music round!
Cake Sale – The oldies are the best!! Bake a load of cakes and have friends round for a tea party and ask for donations? Bake a load of cakes and sell them at a community hall! However big or small you decide to go it is sure to be a success because lets face it, who doesn’t like cake????
Car Boot – Next time you have some stuff to get rid of donate all or a percentage of your profit to charity! Every little helps and your home will be clutter free!
Easy Fundraising App – Did you know that whenever you buy anything online – from your weekly shop to your annual holiday – you could be raising free donations for Topcats with easy fundraising?
There are over 4,000 shops and sites on board ready to make a donation – including eBay, Argos, John Lewis, ASOS, and M&S – and it won’t cost you a penny extra to help us raise funds.
All you need to do is:
- Go to and join for free.
- Every time you shop online, go to easyfundraising first to find the site you want and start shopping.
- After you’ve checked out, the retailer will make a donation to Topcats at no extra cost to you whatsoever!
There are no catches or hidden charges and Topcats will be really grateful for your donations.
Family Fun Day – Topcats Family Fun Day is a unique, one-day fundraising event. It’s the perfect opportunity for you to get in touch with your inner child and enjoy an afternoon of arts & crafts(Facepainting and making bracelets out of beads); food vendors galore (think cotton candy and hotdogs being sold at the area!!!); you can bet that if there’s music involved then some kids will be dancing on stage while others just eat pizza together as they watch their kids perform.
A Family Fun Day is an amazing opportunity to get together with friends, cousins or neighbours in one place.
We are looking forward to seeing you there!
Bake Off – How about a bake sale? Form a team and sell cupcakes, cookies, brownies, doughnuts (or any other type). While you’re at home, prepare a batch of your favourite goodies and sell them door-to-door. All proceeds will go straight to charity – what could be better than that? It’s an engaging way to get your friends and family involved in the cause.
Exercise Bike Challenge – Are you looking to get fit but need a little more motivation? Exercise bike challenge fundraising idea could be the perfect solution! The idea of the bike challenge is to have participants pedal as fast or slow they can, with donations being accepted for one pound per mile ridden.
Stationary Bike Challenge – You pledge one hour per week on the stationary bicycle while listening/viewing educational videos about health & fitness topics like nutrition tips or just listening to your favourite music. The idea is to encourage people who are not ordinarily active in exercise and fitness activities (or even the ones that do) to spend time on a stationary bike. The goal would be getting more calories burned while also having fun with friends at their own pace. The participant who burned more calories wins the prize, but mostly everyone just wants bragging rights over each other, especially with friends!
Auction of Promises – Auctions are usually for objects that carry memories. This one is no different; if you want people bidding on your promises or goals, then this auction type would be perfect for it. How would you like to auction off your ideas? It’s a chance to explore your creativity. What skills could you bring? How about singing or dancing- anything goes really as long it’s fun, interesting and value-adding (Examples: Garden help, DIY skills, etc.).
Waxing Challenge – The thought of getting your hair waxed might make you cringe. Do you want to know if it hurts? No, it does not hurt. Well, not that much! No hair waxing event is complete without the pain. You’ll be relieved to know that it only lasts for a few minutes, and once done, you can go on about the rest of your day as if nothing had happened!
For those looking to have their hair removed from the face, chest, back, arm, or leg whilst supporting a cause, this fundraising event might be for you.
Bingo Night – Have you ever wanted to play Bingo night? In the spirit of giving back, join Bingo night and make your contribution to a worthy cause.
Cutest Pet Contest – All pet owners think their furry friend is the cutest. But you know what they say, “Seeing is believing.” So why not let us have the “Cutest Pet Contest?” The winning pet deserves a brand new toy and treats.
All you need to do is take that perfect selfie with your furry friend, give it some fun captions and send them in for people to vote on!
Quit a Habit – Have you ever considered giving up your bad habit? It could be smoking, too much sugar consumption or even shopping – anything! The money saved from quitting smoking, reducing sugar intake or cutting back on shopping could be donated and put towards charity instead. You could make a difference in someone’s life by donating.