As of 21/3/2020
Dear Young People, Parents and Carers
It is with a very heavy heart that I need to inform you, after discussions in to the night with Myself, Lyndy and the Board of Trustees, the very sad decision has been made to close TOPCATS Charity from 3pm today.
After taking everything in consideration we feel that this is the only option to keep everyone healthy and safe.
We know that this is going to be a very tough time for many families, we know that the young people we support are going to find this all very distressing but their health at this stage in the process is paramount.
We have made every effort to continue the service for as long as possible and our staff team have been AMAZING, but the health of all concerned MUST take priority.
We will inform you ALL as soon as we are able to return and please know that we will do so as soon as we are given the go ahead…..
Please get in touch with any concerns you may have.
For now, please stay safe.
-Anne Marie-