Roll up…Roll up!!!
Do not miss the next lot of Community Cafes organised by the Choices young people, supported by our Lead Staff Member, Marie and our Chairman, Stewart! The young people get really involved from, using their sausages which they make when they visit Maisebrooke Farm to make delicious home made sausage rolls as well as taking money, serving food and hot drinks, tidying up, setting up and handling money etc. The skills they work on at the community café go towards their units in their Topcats Life Skills Diplomas which the young people at Choices are currently working towards. We often present some of the young people with their achieved units whilst a café is in process so they can share their achievements with family and friends as well as the local community who access the café.
The cafes are held on Friday mornings, 10am-12pm.
Here are the next dates for your diaries:
- Friday 8th March 2019
- Friday 25th March 2019
Come along and enjoy some really tasty treats, find out some more about Topcats and the awesome young people who attend and see the building and the developments that have happened.